At the International Information and Contact Center of the name of the Lithuanian Prince Vytautas, a meeting of the Kremenchuk Investment Communist Party Kremenchuk with Sheikh Tagir was held.

The meeting was attended by Director of PU «Kremenchuk Invest» Andrii Melnyk, deputy director Pavel Bedratskyi, head of Kremenchuk Muslim community «Islam» Oleh Lazunin and head of the department of socio-cultural and international projects «Kremenchuk Invest» Natalia Shatskih.

Andrii Melnyk familiarized the guests with the activities of the communal enterprise, in particular in the international sphere, project activity.

The parties discussed joint actions in search of the Kremenchuk twin sister from the countries of the Islamic world.

The guests got acquainted with the art hall of the Kremenchuk Invest Company, where the exhibition «Window to Lithuania» is demonstrated.